The Journey of the Fool
The Black Tarot deck contains seventy-eightcards:twenty-two Major Arcana andfifty-six Minor Arcana.
The Major Arcana represent thejourney through life,andthearchetypical stages thateveryoneexperiences. Everyone begins life asthe Fool, and ends life as the Fool
The Minor Arcana represents theactions, thoughts, feelings,and materiastruggles that we all encounter in ourlives. The Querent seeks to learn fromevery experience.
The Minor Arcana are made up offour suits and fifty-six cards, like atraditional deck of playing cards.Face cards consist of Knave/PageKnight, Queen, and King. Each suitis associated with one of the elements.
Two of wands
Meaning: You need tochoose a direction and takesteps to move forward.
Symbolism: A figurecarries one wand whileapproaching a second one.which represents a newadyenture.
Upright: determination,and confidence.
Reversed:fear,andindecision.Queen of cups
Meaning: You need to actwith conviction regarding asignificant relationship.
Symbolism: A female figurehas octopus tentacles at theDottom of her card and acup balanced on her headrepresenting her abilityto commit to and balanceemotional
Upright: nurturing andemotionally supportiveReversed: passiveaggressive, and overly
sensitiveAce of swords
Meaning: Time to make decision; consider a newway of thinking; use logicregarding the situation orrelationship.
Symbolism: A single swordloats in the darkness; itssharp clarity is a source oflight.
Upright: new thoughts,and logic
Reversed:ignorance, andmisinformationSeven of spheres
Meaning: Time to consider how you will invest in your success; put resources back into what you have that is successful, or start a new venture.
Symbolism: Seven spheres drop from a tree, exhibiting the abundance of energy hovering over a volatile landscape.
Upright: long-term planning, and dedicated persistence
Reversed: lack of vision, and wastefulness