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The Journey of the Fool

Phantasma Tarot

Phantasma Tarot

常规价格 $19.90 USD
常规价格 $29.85 USD 促销价 $19.90 USD
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Welcome to the Phantasma Tarot.Phantasma itself means daydream,
fantasy, or magical vision. It's also thename of a world of supernatural beings inwhich you'll fnd so many kindred spiritsat the ready to welcome you here, mostof whom I've but recently discovered aswell. Crafted over a four-year time span,Phantasma is my fourth tarot deck. It really has been an exciting journey watchingthe deck's heart and soul take the lead asit unveiled its personality. As the cardswere painted and the messages penned, Ifelt like a traveler documenting their secrethaunts and special playgrounds.

A homecoming ceremony welcomes thespirit of community. From a foundationof love and safety, this pair has createdsomething stable and enduring. Theyprotect what they've worked hard to buildand take pride in their achievements.
Message: Past efforts are paying off. Baskin the glory of your achievements.
Keywords: Celebration, harmony, joy,stability, new beginning.
Reversed Message: If you aren't whereyou want to be right now, celebrate thelittle things that bring you joy.
Reversed Keywords: Instability, uproot-ing, lack of teamwork, cancellations,restrictions.

Nostalgia has a way of rebalancing energ)and clearing the mind. These dear friendshaven't forgotten any of the magic, andthe magic has not forgotten them. Theioyful memories that live in their heartsintegrate into all they are and all theyshall be.
Message: Revisit an enjoyable traditionfrom childhood; it holds the ability tobring simple pleasures back into yourroutine.
Keywords: Nostalgia, peace, giving andreceiving, emotional security, joy.
Reversed Message: Stagnation is the resultof holding too tightly to the past. Moveahead by letting go of what no longerserves you.
Reversed Keywords: Moving on, poormemory, stagnation, neglect.

Her path is not yet clear. At a crossroads,she fghts an inner battle when making animportant decision. uning into her innerwisdom helps her to trust the nethermostmessages in her heart. A realization willsoon dawn that it's time to speak hertruth, and move past the issues that bringher turmoil.
Message: Find answers within the stillness.Surrender into the deepest truth of beingwho you designed yourself to be.
Keywords: Diffcult decisions, crossroadsfacing fears, opposition, avoidance.
Reversed Message: Stand up for yourprinciples, and consider taking a newapproach to your situation.
Reversed Keywords: Indecision, wrongchoices,overwhelming stress.

This feline creature is committed to hercraft. The skills she learns along the waybring her closer to her vision. Through hardwork and diligence, a new level of masteryis achieved, She strives to be the best shecan be, and isn't afraid to call for help ifthings become overwhelming.
Message: Remain focused; your hard workwill lead to rewarding results.
Keywords:Craftsmanship, dedication,con.centration,ambition, accomplishment.
Reversed Message: Contemplate what youwant to achieve, and prioritize your tasks.
Reversed Keywords: Lack of effort, careless-ness, mediocrity, a boring job.
