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The Journey of the Fool

Lunalapin tarot

Lunalapin tarot

常规价格 $25.90 USD
常规价格 $38.85 USD 促销价 $25.90 USD
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The tarot reading was well-known in the15 Century (the 20 Buddhist Era.) lt frst start.ed with Gypsy crystal gazing. After the def.ance of witches and wizards, the Gypsychanged from crystal-gazing to tarot cardreading.At frst, the meaning of the cardsincluded the Christian idea and developedinto the present day. The popular tarot cardis Rider-Waite which is the model of manytarots nowadays.

The upright meaning:This card means a person decides to fght. He has logical thinking and he is readyto confront any diffculties and obstaclesbravely.
The reverse meaning:This person wants to start doing some.thing, but he doesn't have a clear plan in hismind. He is in the process of trial and error,which makes him waste time, money andhurt his feelings. Also, the outcome is noteffective either.

The upright meaning:This card means warmth and generosityA person shares a good feeling, makes us feellike a kid who is taken care of by the adultor they are an adult who gives kindness tothe child.
The reverse meaning:The sadness and grievances will comeback. An atrocious memories are being exca-vated and the forgotten bad things are aboutto appear that make us gloom again.

The upright meaning:This card means a magnate who earnsmoney in everything he does. This person'sbusiness is good. He is wealthy, powerful, andhas good fortune.
The reverse meaning:This person cares about his self-interestEverything is all about money and gold with.out friendship, causing both friends andlovers to flee. He is imperious and material.istic.

The upright meaning:
This card means conflict, discord andseparation.Each person is self-centered andbelieves that what they do is the best. As aresult,the problem does not end becausethey do not understand each other.
The reverse meaning:
The conflict this person faces comes toan end. They may get tired or change theteam to avoid problems. Things start to getbetter, and they discover the way to fx issues
