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The Journey of the Fool

In Between Tarot

In Between Tarot

常规价格 $13.00 USD
常规价格 $19.50 USD 促销价 $13.00 USD
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This In Between deck reveals a new concept whichshows how the traditional 78 tarot cards link toone another. The focus of each card is in that symbolic space that connects one Arcana to the otherThe borders around the images give you an ideaof where the energy for any one card sits withinthe pack but I'd like you to imagine those bordersaren't there and that you are moving seamlesslyfrom one experience to another. This guide wilgive you the ability to pick out symbols to enableyou to do that.

The narrative that fows around the suit of Cups is astory of family and relationships: built, broken, mend.ed, and slowly growing. In the Court cards the story isthe coming ofage and life ofthe child appearing in thenumerals.
Page - Knight of Cups: Loss of innocence.

The narrative engraved within the suit of Pentacles isone of dignity and freedom: to never give for grantedbut rather to be cherished and defended. In the Courcards the story is the awakening and blossoming of thechild appearing in the numerals.
Ace-Two of Pentacles: The choice to pick up anopportunity.

The narrative sparked by the suit of Wands is one of oenthusiasm, drive and effort: to reach the peak, and yetbeing able to let it go in order to walk on another road.In the Court cards the story talks about a child that puther dreams in service of something greater.
Nine-Ten of Wands: Seeking help and shelter

The narrative whispered by the suit of Swords is one of sorrow, memory and loss, and responsibility to endure itall. In the Court cards a child appearing in the numerals takes on himself the legacy of those who struggledbefore him.
King - Page of Swords: Old knowledge with fresheyes.
