The Journey of the Fool
Gustave Doré Tarot
Gustave Doré Tarot
Gustave Doré was a French illustrator in the XIXcentury, creating vivid paintings, etchings and illustrations for some of the most influential works offction, from the light-hearted tall tales of Don Quixote-to the Bible,Dantes Divine Comedy, worksof Lord Byron, Edgar Allan Poe, Samuel Coleridg-and many others. Aside from fiction, Doré had illustrated “London: A Pilgrimage”, which had vividlycaptured the atmosphere of the time. Most of Dorésartworks are wood engravings - the artist works theimage into a block of wood, which is then coveredin ink and printed onto paper.
Since Gustave Doré had illustrated some of the mostquintessential works of XlX century - from light.hearted tales of fantasy to deeply esoteric, spiritua!works. The themes of the books illustrated by Doréreflect deeply with the themes of Tarot and fortunetelling. The cards in this particular deck are riddledwith references to historical and fctional figures -from King Solomon, Moses, and Dante - to BaronMünchhausen. It is up to the Reader and Querent,whether to acknowledge the roles of these figuresin their telling, as their stories can enhance the di-vining, provide context or otherwise influence thetelling.
The Cups represent the element of water The key con-cept is the soul understood as inner life, emotions, as wellas feelings.
Three of Cups:The conclusion of every matter in abundanceperfection, cheerfulness. Happy ending, victory, ful-fllment, relief, healing
The Pentacles represent the element of earth. The keyconcept is the body, both the human body and all matter.
Knight of Pentacles:A meticulous person. The ability to makerealistic plans, and to not forget details. Useful per.son, obliging, prompt, responsible, honest.
The Wands represent fre. Their key element is the forceofwill and the various resources ofhuman beings
Ace of Wands: Creation,invention,enterprise. Beginning, de-but, origin. Birth, family, and the virility associatedwith these. The starting point for every activity. Pri.mordial chaos and order.
The Swords represent the element ofair The key prin-ciple is the mind and everything which is intellectualspeculation.
King of Swords: A judgmental person. A person used to seethe worst in men. Anything deriving from the ideaof judgement. Power, control, authority, politicalskill, law, privilege of the crown.