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The Journey of the Fool

Ferenc Pinter Tarot

Ferenc Pinter Tarot

常规价格 $22.79 USD
常规价格 $34.00 USD 促销价 $22.79 USD
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Tarot decks, from their very beginning, have always beenincredible works of art. From the frst hand-painted cardcreated for the nobility of ltaly to the rougher but stil!quite attractive woodcuts of the Marseilles to our mod-ern decks designed with digital technology, the structureof the Tarot has fascinated and enchanted artists from allover the world. Built on a framework of 78 cards in fivesuits, the Tarot challenges the artist to tell the human sto-ry in their own way. The deck speaks of universal themesincluding the human journey through life, the desires ofthe heart, the ability to experience and heal from pain.and the mysteries of the unknown.
One artist who heeded the call of the Tarot to expresshimself through the Arcana was Ferenc Pintér.

Nine of Cups
Description:A musician seated in a rusticwooden chair takes up his guitar.
Essence: The 9 of Cupshas been called the“wish” card. It has a wonderful effervescent energy that speaks of pleasure, contentment, andjoy. 
In a reading: This is a very auspicious card to find inyour reading.It suggests that what you truly wish for ispossible.It also reminds us to fnd joy in all that we already have - not out of guilt but because of everythingit took to get us to this point. Don't hesitate; seize thepresent moment. Be generous with others and know thatthis generosity will create new opportunities you can.not yet imagine. Dream big and choose to believe in yourdreams. Note the way his eyes close before he begins to play.

Ace of Pentacles
Description: In a vast desert, a mysterious pyramid hovers in the air above a shadowed figure. Its peak rises toward the heavens.
Essence:Fach othe Aces carries the primal elemental energy of its suit.The Ace of Pentacles forms a strong foundation for future success.
In a reading: Things begun well have strongroots. It is time to plant the seed that will, if well-tended,grow into something magnificent. Set aside wishesand daydreams and take the real, concrete steps that wilmanifest your desire. Be willing to invest in your futuresuccess and honor that investment with sensible actionWhat you build in this way will stand the test of timeNote the shade provided by the pyramid.

Six of Wands
Description: A knight in shining armorcompetes in a tournament.
Essence:The Six of Wands is acard of victory and recognition. It symbolizes the one ris-ing above the many and often connotes a call to leadership.
In a reading: The Six of Wands asks you to dispensewith any shyness or doubt and to let the world take notice of who you are and what you have accomplishedSpeak up and share your vision with others. This maynot come easily, we often deny our own greatness in fealof the pressures it will confer. Lead knowing others willfollow in your footsteps. Note the perfect form of the knightand his steed.

Four of Swords
A woman dressed in ghostly white floats peacefully on the surface of a dark lakeThough she is surrounded by shadows, there is serenity onher face.
Essence: The 4 of Swords speaks of shutting outthe clamor of the world so that peace can be found within.
In a reading: For healing to begin, tranquility is neededRemove yourself from chaos and commotion in order tcstill your thoughts and heal lingering trauma, anxiety anddistress.With meditation,sleep and introspection yourmind will bring itself into a new sense of order and clarity. Let go of the need to strive and push forward and prioritize your own mental health and well-being above thewishes of others. Note the color of the water
