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The Journey of the Fool

Crow Tarot

Crow Tarot

常规价格 $10.00 USD
常规价格 $15.00 USD 促销价 $10.00 USD
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You awaken on a strange shore. Before you lies aland of mist and intrigue. In places, it is a treacherous and desolate wasteland. Let your gaze penetratethe mist and you will fnd a dreamscape flled withwonders. On this journey your constant compan.ions are a murder of crows. Black winged and cun.ning, these are the extraordinary messengers of theOther World. They answer to unseen powers. Thei!croaks and caws convey great wisdom. Their farseeing eyes pierce the vast distances of time and the falreaches of space. Nothing is hidden from them forlong. If you follow where they lead, your adventurewill transform you inside and out.

As an omen bringer, messenger, and scavenger, the crow has no master. It brings you the answers you need, although not always what you wanted. This captivating deck by Corrado Roi presents crows in all their gothic glory. It awakens your soul, bringing enlightenment as well as fear and disquiet. In striking black and white, this deck is a necessary addition to your collection.

The King of Wands is an entrepreneurialbird who can take a concept and fly withit. Under the supervision of the King,the idea transforms into reality and wilreach its highest potential possible. Heis relentless in his pursuit of perfectionand with laser-like vision, focuses on thegoal. He is a charismatic and natural bornleader, although at times he can be a bitarrogant. In a reading, the energy of theKing of Wands represents either yourselfor someone who has a clear vision of whatneeds to be accomplished for a project tobe successful. Take this as a confrmationthat focused energy will result in a posi-tive and fruitful outcome.
The King of Wands reversed may serve asa warning that you are being manipula-tive or ruthless when it comes to businessaffairs.It also may be an indication thatyour hasty decision-making will negatively impact your plans.NINE OF CUPS
The proud crow stands atop all the richeshe has been able to collect. Because heactively went after each desire, the positiveenergy of the universe conspired with himto ensure the fulfllment of his wishes. Hismission now complete, he can enjoy a lifethat meets all his needs and then some.He stands there feeling a bit superiorbut also incredibly grateful for his life ofleisure and comfort. When the Nine ofCups appears, be ready to accept all ofthe abundance and joy of a wish fulflled;you've earned it.
In contrast, the Nine of Cups reversedsuggests that you expect the world tohand you your desires without putting inthe work. As a result, you are only focusing on lack, and because of this you arefnding it diffcult to manifest the thingyou want most.EIGHT OF SWORDS
The crow is caught in a cage of swordsand wrapped in a long red ribbon thatrepresents her limiting self-beliefs. She is aprisoner, powerless due to a lack of visionor inability to break free from her self-imposed cage. The Eight of Swords is a message to take back your power by looking atyour situation from a different angle. TheEight of Swords denotes a challenge due torestrictions that appear to be overwhelm-ing or beyond your capabilities. You havethe power to overcome any problem. TheEight of Swords asks that you look inwardto discover the potential within.
Reversed, the Eight of Swords indicatesthat a time ofhardship is ending. As aresult, you have learned lessons that wil]help you manage future challenges.

Life offers infnite possibilities. The crowis in constant motion, juggling her day-to-day responsibilities with her goals andaspirations.It is only through devotingtime to both that they remain in balanceThe Two of Pentacles is a reminder toensure that the small daily tasks are notdropped because doing so could jeopar-dize long-term goals. The Two of Pentaclesasks that you take inventory of responsi-bilities to make sure that you are managing everything.
The reversed Two of Pentacles is a signalthat you are at risk or have already lostfocus and the result could be a loss offnancial security. Make sure that you areup to date on bills and other obligationsbefore you drop another ball.
