The Journey of the Fool
Cirele of Life TAROT
Cirele of Life TAROT
The Circle of Life Tarot is a round deck of cards.Circles, themselves, are important symbols. Theyrepresent cycles,a completed series of events. OurEarth revolves around the sun with four seasons andone complete rotation creates a whole cycle. Our livesalso contain cycles as well. We are born, we grow andlearn, we make our own way, and then we die. Tarotalso contains cycles, with the Major Arcana describingThe Fool's Journey from creation to reunion with theworld. Each Minor Arcana describes the cycles of theseasons, and the feelings we get from being insidethose cycles.
Circles delineate space in many spiritual practices.Circles are a sacred symbol that remind us that weare all connected and that there really is no end andno beginning, that everything flows into each other from one step to the next. Circles are used to protectus as we make magic and do divination.
Many tarot readers enjoy using round tarot decksbecause their shape qives the images more flexibility.Traditional square tarots with their four corners canfeel rigid and inflexible. Rounds cards, then, provide acreative solution for a wider range of meanings thana binary meaning.
Nine of Swords
A person tries to rest on a red sheet. Severaldark creatures poke at him with their swords. A snakeslithers in and out of the figures.
It's hard to sleep with nightmares. Anxiety pokes at you,tells you how bad you are and how you are not doingwhat you are supposed to do. The person in this cardlays still, keeps her eyes closed, and hopes that all thisdarkness will pass soon. What appears harmful to youmayonlybe a fiqmentofyourimagination.
Meanings: anxiety; your illusions are not real;temporary stresses.
Four of Cups
A fiqure counts the containers that have notbeen knocked over. Three sit upright, while one hasbeen knocked over and broken. lts contents spill outinto the ground.
The figure's feelings are being tested in this image. Doesthis person react to seeing the broken pot, or does herecognize that he still has other available to him? Thestrength of his emotions will prove which way he goes,The posture of the fiqure on this card also suggests that while he may be moved emotionally, he will take countof what he has before he allows the emotions to flow.This card seems to suggest that we must continue to lookout and understand what we have, rather than to worryabout what is no longer available to us.
Meanings:contemplation; understanding yourresources; staying in the moment.
Five of Wands
Two enemies meet in the heat of battle. A redphoenix holds two sticks in its talons. A manticoretries to keep his ground while being hit with thesticks. Three more sticks lie discarded on the qround.These two combatants seem to be fighting over territory.Neither wants to back down. The phoenix uses hisadvantage of flight and the sticks to get some strikes inon the manticore. The manticore does have a tail and helashes it out to knock the bird offguard. They both seemto be seasoned fighters. Who will win depends on howmuch energy they have left. The lesson this card offersis that nothing good ever comes from strife and conflict.Choose nonviolent means ofsolving problems.
Meanings: conflict; distrust; inability to get along;argumentative.
Two of Pentacles
A snake wraps itself around bottom of twotrees. Each tree has a symbol carved into it. The snakeappears to be shedding its old skin.
The snake is going through a change. lt's in stasis modeas new skin qrows to replace the qreat old skin. A long forked tongue darts out from the snake's mouth, awarning to those who disturb the snake. The trees havesymbols offaith and infinityon them. The lesson this cardsuggests is to find the balance while you are undergoingtransformation.
Meanings: equilibrium;inactivity due to restructuring ,security.