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The Journey of the Fool

before tarot

before tarot

常规价格 $18.00 USD
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Before Iarot follows upon the concept introduced with his twin deck: After Iarot. Thereference is the traditional English School*vision of the Arcana. While the After larotportrays the familiar images just one moment after and focus on consequences anddeveloping, the Before larot sets his focusone moment before. The keyword to thisdeck are anticipation, and foresight. As we know, one of the easiest and mostcommon three cards spread is actually theone named Past,Present and Future. Thefrst card- Past- could be represented bythe Before Iarot. The second card could betaken by any modern deck, while the thirdcard could be represented by the After larot. The point is that we expand the focus ofour traditional interpretation adding a timedimension to what we see in the Arcana. Wejust don't focus on the present tree, but weseek the roots (before) and the fruits (after).

The Queen of  Cups protects the realm of wa-ter with the watery, emotional devotion of allfour queens.
Astrology: Cancer, the sign ofthe crab,cardinal sign of water, driven tonurture and protect.The Nine of  Pentacles promises materia!comfort and hnancial security. Keywords.prosperity,security, peace.
Astrology: Venus in Virgo.
The Eight of Wands signals the speedy onsetof new developments and messages from afarKeywords:action,swiftness,communica-tion.
Astrology: Mercury in Sagittarius.The airy Ace of Swords represents the essence ofreason,thought,and communication. Keywords:intellect, understanding, decision-making.
As-trology: the elemental power of air.
